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BreakFAST with BMO: Shared Revenue with Kevin Lahner (Members Only)

BreakFAST with BMO: Shared Revenue with Kevin Lahner (Members Only)

Janesville Performing Arts Center, 408 S. Main Street, Janesville

7:30 AM to 9:00 AM

Shared revenue is an important source of unrestricted funds from the State of Wisconsin to municipalities. It is used to support critical services like fire, police, EMS, and libraries as well as infrastructure like roads. The shared revenue formula was updated in the 2023 Governor's Budget and the City of Janesville received a 22% increase in shared revenue funding compared to previous years. However, Janesville's distribution is still not equitable for a community of our size. With an equitable distribution of shared revenue, Janesville could do more for its residents, organizations, and businesses.

Join us and Janesville City Manager Kevin Lahner to learn about shared revenue and how it impacts Janesville. This event, sponsored by BMO, includes a light breakfast. Breakfast and networking will be from 7:30 AM - 7:55 AM, with the presentation starting at 8:00 AM. The presentation will be followed by a Q & A session.

You must be a Forward Janesville member to attend. Registration is required. Please register here.

Event Sponsors

Remember: When your organization is a member of Forward Janesville, membership is extended to all employees.